"Lily of the valley microspace"


I held her 
Like she was porcelain
Or a glass work
An exceptionally beautiful one
Existing just in my hands
For this sole moment
Away from the worlds 
And worries
I wanted to keep this
this peace
With us 
How I held her
And she almost fell asleep 
In my hands


Százszor olvasott verses kötetek
A könyvespolcamon
Azt állítják
Ők tudják
Mit jelent az örökkévalóság
De nem mondhatják
El neked
Még nem 
Talán majd a halálos ágyadon
Utolsó lélegzetként megsúgják neked

Eternity of Fireworks

Stop the time 
Because I want to stay
There on the bank 
Of the Danube
Looking at the fireworks
With you
While I'm close to you
As we hold eachother
I want to stay there
With you for this enternity
Of fireworks
You are in your leather coat 
This time
My leather coat
Just rests beside me
On a rock with my bag